Voice of Preaching the Gospel


Dr. Mateen ElassJohn 10 is best known for containing two “I Am” statements of Jesus (“I am the Door of the sheepfold” and “I am the Good Shepherd”),

so it is often overlooked as an Easter text. Yet sandwiched between these two captivating claims is the equally compelling promise: “I have come that they (i.e., the sheep) may have life, and have it abundantly.”
Jesus’ promise of life is contrasted with the work of the “thief” (John 10:10), who is also pictured in v. 12 as a wolf snatching sheep and scattering the flock. The thief, Jesus says, spreads mayhem among the vulnerable, stealing, killing and destroying what is precious to God. But the Good Shepherd intervenes, even to the point of laying down his life to protect his sheep, a flock gathered from all over the world and united by allegiance to his voice, which all the sheep recognize and gather around.
The life Jesus offers is not simply protection from the natural and societal dangers threatening all human beings at one time or another. He is not promising His followers that they will never face hardship or physical death, but rather that the work of the enemy will never ultimately separate the sheep from the Good Shepherd. Any hardship, even death, cannot break the bond of love and blessing which Jesus promises His people because He has broken the power of evil by His own conquest over sin, death and the devil.
In John 10:18 Jesus clarifies that His death for humankind was a voluntary act of love, and as such it was a sacrifice of precious value to His Father: “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down. and I have power to take it up again; this charge I received from my Father.”
Here we discover what separates Jesus from every other human being past, present or future. Every individual has the capability of laying down his or her life voluntarily on behalf of others, though few do. But no one has the power to reverse the power and authority of death once it has claimed those who fall into its steel grip. No one, that is, except Jesus. It is this resurrection power that underscores His right to promise abundant life to His listeners. All who follow Jesus have the assurance that amidst the trials and ills of this world He will grant newfound strength to thrive despite the intentions of the evil one, and that once death actually comes, it will no longer be a conquering enemy but only the gateway to eternal life in the magnificent presence of God.
If today you feel surrounded by wolves seeking to snatch you from safety and to scatter you from fellowship with other believers, if you are the target of forces trying to rob you of security or your faith in God, or of enemies tearing at the fabric of your family, wanting to destroy your reputation and life accomplishments, please don’t despair. Turn to Jesus, your Good Shepherd who has come to rescue you from all who find pleasure in stealing, killing and destroying the lives of others. Those who may be against you are no match for the One who is with you, and who promises to never leave or forsake you.
Easter reminds us of who the ultimate Victor on the grand stage of human history is. And all those who stand with Him in life and in death will share in His victory. We have his word on that. His tomb is empty so that our lives may be full.
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Our abundant life is now hidden with Him in heaven. But the promise of John 10:10 will be fulfilled. Jesus died and rose again to seal that promise with His blood. Let us rejoice and find our tranquility in that truth this Easter.

المجموعة: نيسان (إبريل) 2021


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Voice of Preaching the Gospel
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